Creamy Blackberry, Watermelon and Mint Chilled Soup

Creamy Balckberry, Watermelon and Mint Chilled Soup

I hadn’t really dabbled in chilled soup until just a few months ago, and I had no idea what I was missing. Chilled soups are lighter than smoothies and typically a little less filling. They’re great for any meal, too! Makes about 2-3 servings

Here’s what you’ll need:
food processor
12 oz blackberries
12 oz watermelon
about 15 mint leaves, give or take
1 c vanilla yogurt
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
juice of 1/2 of a lime

ground cinnamon
goat cheese
chia seeds

In food processor, combine all ingredients (besides toppings) and blend until smooth. Pour into bowls and serve with the toppings of your choice. Other possible toppings: yogurt, feta cheese, granola or fresh blackberries.

Chilled Blueberry, Banana and Mint Soup

Chilled Blueberry, Banana and Mint Soup

Experimenting and having fun with food is what I love to do. I rarely follow a recipe exactly how it’s written and I encourage you to do the same with this recipe!

What you will need:

A food processor
1lb. blueberries
1 large banana (you can always use 2, or 3, or however many you’d like)
1/4 c almond milk (or milk, or soy milk)
1/8 c brown sugar
1/8 c balsamic vinegar or to taste
mint leaves (about 7)
juice from 1/2 of a lemon
cinnamon to taste
salt to taste

chia seeds
goat cheese
mint to garnish

Chop the banana into sections and throw all ingredients into the food processor and blend. Let the soup chill for at least an hour before pouring into bowls, then top with chia seeds, goat cheese and mint leaves and serve! Perfect as an after dinner dessert or a mid-day treat to enjoy with friends.

This recipe can be made vegan by leaving out the goat cheese. Other possible toppings include french vanilla yogurt, granola, or whole blueberries. See what ideas you can come up with!